
With my trusty Sea Eagle kayak I have paddled to many beautiful places around Puerto Rico. Here I narrate each of my journeys on a blog post.
Kayaking Charles River (Newton and Dedham Massachusetts)
By lomaymi | | Kayaking
On August 10, 2019, I made my first solo kayaking trip in Massachusetts. This trip was an 11 miles journey that tested my endurance to the point that I had to call my best friend to push me through to the end.
Kayaking Laguna Torrecilla Loiza Piñones
By lomaymi | | Kayaking, Puerto Rico
A very long (6.41 km / 3.98 miles) and intense kayaking trip for people with top physical condition.
Kayaking from Vega Baja beach to Punta Garzas
By lomaymi | | Kayaking, Puerto Rico
For this trip I didn’t paddled as much as others, all I needed to do was cross to the other side to reach Punta Garzas.
Kayaking from Dorado Bridge to Expreso José de Diego
By lomaymi | | Kayaking, Puerto Rico
This kayaking round trip of approximately 8 miles (13 km) started from the bridge in Calle Méndez Vigo in Dorado, Puerto Rico all the way to Expreso José De Diego and back again was a very relaxing adventure that proved to be quite a challenge.